There are plenty of ways to conserve oil and gas, but the most efficient way is to reduce our consumption. Do we have to drive to every destination? And should we continue using plastic shopping bags? I will delve into these questions and sufficient ways to save energy in this blog post.
Method 1: Conserve Energy
- Use Efficient Light Bulbs
Opt for compact fluorescent (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs. These options use an average of 75 percent less electricity (usually sourced from coal). They also last longer (5 to 20 years), saving you money in the long run.
- Turn Down the Air Conditioner
Central heating and cooling often use oil or natural gas. Adjusting the temperature just one or two degrees can help to conserve resources. To maximize your comfort, dress warmly and use thick blankets when it’s cold. When it’s hot outside, close the blinds on east-facing windows in the morning and west-facing windows in the afternoon.
Method 2: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
- Reduce Your Use of Plastic
Unless the bag states it is “compostable,” plastic is made from petroleum. It can stay in landfills for hundreds of years and never break down completely, and over time polluting the soil and groundwater. Ask your local grocery store to supply you a cloth shopping bag or just stick with cardboard or paper bags.
- Reuse Plastics When Possible
Reuse old tubs and coffee jars to store dry goods. Make sure the resin identification code (the number inside the recycling arrows) is 2 or 5. These numbers indicate the container is safe for storing food. Think about reusing grocery bags as much as possible, even the cloth or paper ones.
- Recycle What You Can’t Reuse
Making new containers and paper products use more fossil fuels than recycling old ones. Search for centers where you can recycle. Check their sorting requirements as well. Donate clothes and buy used when you can.
Method 3: Choose Your Transportation Wisely
- Go Carbon-free
Try cycling or walking to reach your destination. These are eco-friendly means of transportation that don’t use fossil fuels. Not to mention, the added benefit of physical exercise.
- Public Transportation
If your city doesn’t have mass transit, try to organize a carpool in your community. Doing so can reduce fossil fuel consumption and can take up 15 vehicles off the road!
- Don’t Leave Your Car Idle
Unless you’re stuck in traffic rut, turn off your engine if you don’t plan to move for 10 seconds or more. Idling wastes fuel, increases smog and endangers people with respiratory conditions.
In a country like Yemen with limited transportation, cars are the primary source for traveling from one place to another. But this shouldn’t be a reason for us not to conserve oil and gas. To save the world from oil/gas crisis, we must take certain steps immediately. Everyone must contribute his/her part to make our planet a better place.
We should understand the importance of oil and gas in our life. Less burning of fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants. Conservation of oil and gas saves energy, money, and the world.
As a Yemeni, I take pride in my country and this planet. I hope by sharing these tips, it will encourage others to take steps toward an eco-friendly lifestyle.